Hearing aids are electronic devices that allow and facilitate the reception of sound for people with hearing loss assisting them to hear more clearly and therefore communicate better.
They improve hearing and speech comprehension when used daily and if the required education / training is received. Hearing aids work with the person´s residual hearing only; for this reason, sound is not perfect and the person cannot restore normal hearing.
In children, the use of hearing aids is essential for language development; however, the age at which auditory stimulation is initiated must be considered. The longer the child has had hearing loss with NO stimulation, the less benefit the hearing aids will provide for speech and language development. Similarly, the degree of hearing loss also determines the benefit they can offer.
For adults who have gradually lost hearing, hearing aids returns to the user the ability to communicate effectively. Hearing loss means not only, inability to hear normally, but also difficulties in discrimination, which affects the understanding of what is been heard.